Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

Onion seedling
As convinced as I am every year that we'll live in a perpetual winter of dreary rain, dark, and cold, Spring somehow manages to sneak up and just... happen.  Technically we haven't reached the equinox yet, but there's a fragrance in the air and is undeniable: Spring is coming and it can't stop, won't stop!  Of course farming puts one inexorably in tune with the change of the seasons, and my seedlings are grateful for the added heat in their little cloche.  I've got broccoli, cabbage, fennel, kale, mustard greens, onions, lettuce, chard, and pak choi sprouting under thin but protective plastic.

Pretty soon the tasks will come tumbling along: plant peas, pick up a load of horse manure, till, dig a trench for potatoes, weed, weed, weed.... 

Starting in about a month you won't see me without dirt under my fingernails, a crazy grin on my face and possibly a carrot or bunch of kale under my arm.  It's going to be a good season!

Love, Clea

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