Friday, August 26, 2011


No zucchini this time!  There are some lovely yellow crook-neck though- and I highly suggest this recipe.  My lovely friend Sarah Broderick conjured it up.  She's a fabulous cook and she knows her vegetables as she's market manager at the Hollywood Farmer's Market.

Squash Fritters- Grate the squash and squeeze the water out of it using a paper towel, or cheesecloth, or your hand.  Mix it up with salt, pepper and any other spices you might want.  (Ideas: chives, cumin, lemon or lime juice, basil, etc.)  Add an egg and some flour and fry on high heat in a nice oil like canola or safflower.  So easy.  So good.

In addition to the crook neck, you've also got:
hot peppers
lemon cucumber
slicing cucumber
green beans
 Here's a little preview for next week's box.  Hope you'll like it:

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